Logo Empowersys

Connecting people, goals and systems

My Mission

Why I am doing all this …

Change is my life. Change and staying focused is easy for me. One day I asked myself why is that – and why is it so difficult for some people to achieve clarity, to precisely describe their desires, to build a plan and to realize their objectives step by step – consistently and with ease. To live their life. Not only to just ride in the back seat, but to take the steering wheel in full responsibility by themselves. Wherever it will take you!

And so I started to intensively explore – in particular at the Harvard University and the Wharton School in Philadelphia – the underlying patterns of behavior in order to understand the interrelation to lasting success. A good friend of mine asked me recently: why are you doing this? My spontaneous answer: my inner smile arises from the glitter in the eyes of successful people …


Your Rick F. Lauster

Key Note Speech

Inspiring and Energizing

Key Note Speeches, Events, Conferences, Conventions

Take advantage of my competence at your meetings, events, conferences, conventions and workshops with new insights, inspiration and energy. I will generate lively ideas and new impulses to create benefits for your whole organization. Turn your various occasions into teaching moments for your people – whether it’s a luncheon or dinner, a kick-off meeting for your most important projects, a major reorganization or a leadership events. Learn more about the mechanics of sustainable change!


Workshops and Seminars

The Skill of Sustainable Change

„Fogfree“ Learning in an open and trustful environment

Your investment of only a weekend in the enabling power system © will allow you to recognize and understand the behavioral patterns of everyone and anybody – in business, public and your private world. You will not only understand the limitations of other people but thoroughly sense the hurdles to succeed and how to overcome them with pleasure and easiness. This will change your worldview fundamentally with a significant impact on your own behavior. Your new life starts on the way home! Perfectly customized offerings are available anytime. Just ask, you´ll find the contact form below.


Consulting, Mentoring and Coaching

Sustainable Change Work in Process

There will never be something significant unsaid again

It always starts at the very top. Strengthen and intensify the understanding gained from my workshops and seminars. I will orchestrate a professional and trustful change-process to apply the new competences in close coordination with you. Together we will secure the long-term success of durable change and the sustainable target focus.